Who we are

People’s Upliftment in Rural Areas

♦  People Upliftment in Rural Areas had completed one more year in implementing various programmes for the development of poor and under privileged oppressed sections of populations in some target villages in Kanyakumari District of Tamil Nadu In South India. The members of the Self Help Groups continued all the programmes with more and more participation.

♦  Pura has been working in 48 Adivasi Hamlets of Kanyakumari district (there are totally 48 Tribal Hamllets in the district). Siemenpuu Foundation of Finland has been sponsoring the programme. It is a initial startup programme assisted by Siemenpuu Foundation with the small budget. We are continuously receiving representations from the adivasis to implement empowerment prgrammes that will lead to the development of the community. We conduct regular meetings in adivasi Hamlets and in the meetings; we receive continuous representations for introducing socio-economic empowerment programmes. The project is need based since there is a need for alternate employment.

♦  The children of adivasis are either qualified up to middle school and doing their traditional jobs or educated up to undergraduate level and are unemployed. PURA is involved in the formation of Adivasi Grama Panchayats in all 48 adivasi villages. A cultural troup among the Tribal children was formed.

Vision and Mision

Promoting a conflict free environment

♦  Promoting a conflict free environment through peace building initiatives and networks of children, women and youth and men in various platforms through organizing and strengthening Community Based Organizations (CBO) through participatory processes.

♦  Envisioning a society where the marginalized poor enjoy equal opportunities related to the social, economical and environmental issues.

♦  To conduct analytical research on alarming issues related to socio, economic and environmental conditions prevailing in the society.

♦  To protect and empower women and children in the society.

♦  Capacitating CBO leaders to meet their socio-economic needs.

♦  Creatively upholding the dignity of children, youth, women, men and senior citizens..

♦  Mobilizing local resources towards sustainable initiatives.

♦  Working with poor and the marginalised to eradicate poverty.

♦  To disseminate information and opinions on civil society issues and initiate people’s movements for participatory structures and action